Geographic Information Systems
Training Workshop
Staff of the Advanced Policy Institute
Beginner: Friday,
May 4th,
Friday, May
Time: 12-4:30 pm (Lunch
served from 12-12:30)
Training: GIS for Research on Health Disparities
May 4: Internet-Based Mapping.
Become familiar with key mapping concepts and valuable online mapping tools,
especially those that are useful for health researchers. And, then use these
new tools with health data that can be downloaded. Focus will be on
web-mapping systems that enable users to quickly produce maps with
overlapping thematic layers (e.g. demographic and vital statistics), and
with point-based data (e.g. local community health services).
This lab-based training will take participants through more sophisticated
features of online GIS (Geographic Information Systems). These include
creating personal accounts, saving maps and data for easy access, creating
customized geographies for focus or study areas, & uploading datasets--both
point and polygon--using Excel files. No background training in using GIS
software or data management is required.
May 18: Desktop GIS
Learn how to turn data into visual maps, using the most widely available
desktop system! This second laboratory session provides hands-on training to
familiarize participants with the basics of ESRI's core mapping software --ArcMap.
Students will learn more about the fundamental principles of GIS through
applied instruction on managing, processing and interpreting spatial data.
Specifically, students will learn the basics of ArcMap, create maps based on
GIS data provided by the instructor, and perform spatial overlays using
statistical data.
This training is open to graduate students, post
docs, faculty and researchers who are actively engaged in research in which
this particular methodology would be most relevant. If you are interested in
participating in this GIS training please send an e-mail to
Include in it your name, whether you are a graduate, post doc or faculty
member and your department. Please include the research question/topic which
you would like to work on during the workshop, tell us whether this is a
funded research project, your dissertation, master's or independent project
that you are working on alone. You must register for each workshop
separately. So please let us know whether you are registering for the
beginning only, the advanced only or both. Your response for the beginner's
workshop is needed by 12pm, May 2nd. Your response for the advanced workshop
is needed no later than May 14th by 3pm. We will let you know on these days
whether or not you have been admitted to the workshop.
Copyright © 2004-2011 Vickie M. Mays, PhD, MSPH