Pat Numann, MD, Medical Student Award


The Association of Women Surgeons (AWS) is currently accepting applications for the Pat Numann, MD, Medical Student Award, which is intended to encourage and support female medical students pursuing a career in surgery. The award is open to female US medical students who will be at the clerkship level or beyond when the award is presented in October of this year. The winner will be chosen based on her expressed interest in surgery, potential leadership qualities or research contributions to the field of surgery, response in a personal statement, and letter of  recommendation. The recipient of the award will receive complimentary  attendance at the AWS Fall Conference and Awards Dinner to be held in  October in New Orleans, reimbursement up to $1,000 for travel and lodging for the meeting, an award certificate, and a one-year membership in AWS. Additional information and an application form are available at


Completed applications must be submitted before June 15, 2007.

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