Survey Briefs From the 2002 National Survey of Latinos

In 2002 the Pew Hispanic Center and the Kaiser Family Foundation conducted a national survey of Latinos, which explored the attitudes and experiences of the Hispanic population in the United States on topics such as state differences, generational differences, health care experiences, assimilation and language, and bilingualism.  Five new survey briefs are now available that further examine the findings from the 2002 survey.

2002 National Survey of Latinos

Latinos in California, Texas, New York, Florida, and New Jersey
This survey brief compares the views and experiences of Latinos living in five states with large Latino populations: California, Texas, New York, New Jersey, and Florida. Topics include country of origin, identity, citizenship, politics, and discrimination.

Generational Differences
This survey brief explores the differences in demographics, attitudes, and experiences of first, second, and third generation or higher Latinos.  It also looks at "generation one and a half" - those Latinos that arrived in the United States before age 10.

Health Care Experiences
This survey brief examines Latinos' experiences with health care in the United States. Topics discussed include coverage, accessing health care services, and communicating with health care providers.


This survey brief explores the languages Latinos speak in the United States. A close look is taken at those Latinos who speak both English and Spanish.

Assimilation and Language
This survey brief explores the concept of assimilation and the role of language in explaining this process.

For more information:
Heidi Hess, The Kaiser Family Foundation

Margarita Studemeister, The Pew Hispanic Center

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Copyright © 2004-2011 Vickie M. Mays, PhD, MSPH