Thank You

Thanks to you and others we trained over 200 mental health professionals, 35 clergy, and reached out to over 50 parents, teachers, and child caretakers during the August 9th and 10th NOLA Mental Health Education and Training Project. We know your time is valuable and appreciate your participation. It is people like you who made the theme of the event,
"Helping hands, Healing minds", a reality.

-Vickie M. Mays, Ph.D., M.S.P.H.
Director, UCLA Center for Research, Education, Training and
Strategic Communication on Minority Health Disparities

Click Below for Virtual "Thank You" Cards

Trainers, Volunteers, and those who took the time to cooperate with us to make the
NOLA Mental Health Education and Training Project a success

Partners, Speakers, and Volunteers who helped make the "Care for Kids" workshop possible

Donors who through their generosity made a successful Training and Workshop a reality