Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

"It's not just about looking at what's inaccurate, it's also about looking at what's useful, what's adaptive, what is high in utility. Do you go around telling people 'You're exaggerating things!' or 'Stop catasrophizing!'? Of course not, but is there room to look at thoughts and the impact they have on a person's behavior? Is there room to look at how helpful certain thoughts are given the reality of the situation? Absolutely, and that is one of the things you're able to do with the Cognitive Behavioral conceptualization."

-Dr. Edrick Dorian

Training Sessions
Session I
Part I: Intro to Evidence-Based Therapy
Part II: Overview and Principles of CBT

Session II
Part III: The Cognitive Model and CBT Session Format

Supplementary Materials

PowerPoint Notes Sheet

Readings on CBT

Online CBT Resources