The State of Hispanic America 2004

The National Council of La Raza - the largest national constituency-based Hispanic organization and the leading voice in Washington, DC for the Hispanic community - was founded in 1968 to reduce poverty and discrimination and improve life opportunities for Hispanic Americans. Four major functions provide essential focus to the organization's work: capacity-building assistance; applied research, policy analysis, and advocacy; public information efforts; and special and international projects. These functions complement NCLR's work in five key strategic priorities - education, assets/investment, economic mobility, health, and media/image/civil rights. Through its network of more than 300 affiliated community-based organizations, NCLR reaches over four million Latinos each year in 41 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia.

The State of Hispanic America 2004 identifies, discusses, and offers policy recommendations on eight key issues: education, health, employment, counter-terrorism policies, criminal justice, farm-workers, homeownership, and immigration.


For the complete 59-page report:
The State of Hispanic America 2004

For more information:
National Council of La Raza

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Copyright © 2004-2011 Vickie M. Mays, PhD, MSPH